Vermont Migrant Education Program

The Vermont Migrant Education Program (VMEP) is funded by Title IC of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and provides supplemental educational services and assistance to Migratory Agricultural Workers and their children to assist in addressing the unique educational needs brought about by the migratory lifestyle. In order to be eligible, participants must be under the age of 22, have not previously obtained a high school diploma or equivalency either in the United States or another country, and have a history of agricultural work and at least one move across school district lines within the previous 36 months due to economic necessity. While many VMEP students are ELs, this is not a requirement of the program. Documentation status neither qualifies nor disqualifies a student or family for participation.

VMEP Electronic Referral Tool

The VMEP Electronic Referral Tool is an easy way to refer a student or family that might qualify for VMEP service – simply complete the online form found here and a member of the VMEP team at the University of Vermont Agricultural Extension will be in contact with the family. Often school employees are able to identify students who may otherwise miss identification through other identification efforts and subsequently miss out on opportunities that could be afforded to them via VMEP, so your referrals are incredibly valuable to ensure that students are receiving the full extent of educational services they are qualified for to help them succeed.

View the Migrant Education Electronic Referral Form here.