Castleton Elementary School has received the CLIF Momentum Grant! All grades K-5 received six different picture books to read to their students. Each class will do a project of their choice to accompany each book. This week Ms. Robertson's 4th grade class made posters relating to the book "Someone New," by Anne Sibley O'Brien.

Kim Hetrick is a talented landscaper! Thanks to a generous community donation, we had our front landscaping redone this summer. Looks fabulous. Thanks to Kim!

Mrs. Parrott's "Art On A Cart" has style!

Morning Health Checks at CES

Welcome back, CES students!

A video from Mrs. Prehoda, CES Principal: https://www.facebook.com/CastletonElementarySchool/videos/627070114850622/

Congratulations to all of our exceptional Slate Valley Staff!
District Awards Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vsLm7iXGI7Qqws3GukYbnNNLLFosJZJ4/view?usp=sharing
Award Recipients:
SVUUSD Executive Awards
Fair Haven: Library/Tech Integration Team - Maggie McGarry, Lisa Cacciatore & Rodney Batschelet
FHUHS: FHUHS Counseling Department
UVM Outstanding Teacher Award
Castleton Village: Annie Crumb
FHUHS: M. Susan Cornell
SVUUSD Outstanding Teacher Award
Benson: Jessica Thurston
Castleton Elementary: Jenna Ray
Castleton Village: Annie Crumb
Fair Haven: Katie Hart
FHUHS: M. Susan Cornell
Orwell: Francine Broughton
Instructional Assistant Award
Benson: Greta Doran
Castleton Elementary: Amy Cotton
Castleton Village: Jill McClure
Fair Haven: Lisa Brough
FHUHS: Robin Sheldrick
Orwell: Amy Messer
SVUUSD Special Service Award Letter
Slate Valley Technology Team

CES is Proud to Present its Masked Marvels:
This is a video showing students what their teachers will look like wearing their masks.

VAC: We just learned that VAC, who usually offers a program after school in one of our classrooms, has decided they will not offer a program this year. We wanted to let parents know of their decision.

Reminder: Food Box Distribution Day
Thursday, August 27th
10am - 11am

Nursing Substitutes
2020-2021 Vacancies
Slate Valley Unified Union School District is seeking Nursing Substitutes for the 2020-2021 school year for an hourly rate of $30.00. All applicants must apply on https://www.schoolspring.com/.
Position will remain open until filled.

Looking for temporary, part-time work?
Slate Valley Unified School District is seeking temporary part-time Custodians, up to 25 hours per week, during the COVID pandemic to maintain the cleanliness of the school facilities. Custodial experience preferred.
For additional information contact Chris Cole, Director of Operations at 265-4905 or email ccole@svuvt.org.
This position will remain open until filled. E O E

Food Box Distribution Day
Thursday August 27th
10am - 11am

Substitute Teachers
2020-2021 Vacancies
Slate Valley Unified Union School District is seeking Substitute Teachers for the 2020-2021 school year for an hourly rate of $15.00. All applicants must apply on https://www.schoolspring.com/.
Position will remain open until filled.

Good morning, please view the Slate Valley Reopening Plan: https://5il.co/jkgt. This plan will be updated frequently as new guidance becomes available.

Looking for temporary, part-time work?
Slate Valley Unified School District is seeking temporary part-time Custodians, up to 25 hours per week, during the COVID pandemic to maintain the cleanliness of the school facilities. Custodial experience preferred.
For additional information contact Chris Cole, Director of Operations at 265-4905 or email ccole@svuvt.org.
This position will remain open until filled.

Reminder: The Slate Valley budget vote is today.
This budget represents the current year's (2020-2021) operational budget only. Complete budget details can be found on the Slate Valley website https://www.slatevalleyunified.org/.
Frequently Asked Questions: https://5il.co/j8fk

As we approach the opening of school in the fall, please read the following letter from Superintendent Olsen-Farrell in regard to state travel restrictions: https://5il.co/j60a

Reminder - Our last scheduled day for food pick up at FHGS is Tuesday, August 11th and will include meals thru Friday, August 14th.
Meals are available for pick up between the hours of 10:00AM and 11:00AM on Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the summer at Fair Haven Grade School. Any child from any town who is 18 years of age or younger can receive meals. When children are not present at the time of meal pick up, a parent or guardian can only receive meals for their child or children. Adults cannot pick up meals for other children when the children are not present with the adult.

We have started a Frequently Asked Questions document regarding the reopening of schools: http://www.slatevalleyunified.org/o/svusd/browse/155634. Please check back often as this will be updated as new information becomes available.