G.A.P. (Great Adventure Project) is on! This is a week long camp offered to current 7th and 8th grade students. Camp will run from July 22nd-July 26th. If your middle schooler is interested please return the permission form (emailed out 6/11/24) to Mr. Clark. There are only 16 slots available due to the number of kayaks. First come, first served. If you would like a hard copy, please reach out to the middle school office. G.A.P. is GRANT FUNDED!
about 2 months ago, Fair Haven Union Middle SChool
Please Join Us, as we Celebrate our 8th Grade Class Wednesday, June 12th - 6:00 PM under the tent at FHUMHS
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
8th Grade Celebration
From Mr. Kelson, one of the teachers from the Outdoor Pursuits class: "And that’s a wrap… our end of the year Outdoor Pursuits overnight camping trip was a huge success! Wow, these kids are tough and they have come a long way. We started off with a 1 mile hike to our campsite with heavy packs and lots of excitement. With a big storm about to roll in we set up camp as quickly as possible. When the rain finally did arrive we thought it would be fun to go for a swim. The rain hit hard but we fought it out and played some cards before bed under our tarp tent the students built. We woke to a beautiful morning and broke down camp. We had our first annual “Outdoor Pursuit Olympics” where the students had to compete in skill challenges we have been working on all year. Students had to show knot tying skills, forage for food, identify trees and bird calls, and others. After the Olympics completed we packed up and headed out on our 1.6 mile hike to our pickup point. In all it was a great trip and the Outdoor Pursuits students did an amazing job! "
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Class Overnight Trip
FHUHS Spring Sports Banquets: Wednesday, June 12th - 5:30 - 7:30pm Track & Field - in the Cafeteria Jv/V Baseball - in the Middle School Gym Jv/V Softball - in the Band Room Athletes need to return their clean uniform(s) to their coaches at the Banquet
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Spring Sports Banquets
Tonight - June 10, 2024 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Special Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Orwell Village School - Town Hall. This meeting will be in person. Virtually connect by going to: https://meet.google.com/ezy-kfsg-rer Or dial: (US) +1 518-547-0125 PIN: 730 415 955# Please note: To participate in conversation virtually and/or ask a question virtually, please use the “raise hand” icon in Google Meet. Typing responses or questions in chat is not an option.
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
June 10 Board Meeting
On June 6th through 7th, FHUHS students from the Outdoor Pursuits class experienced an overnight camping adventure at Silver Lake. The trip presented students with the opportunity to exhibit many skills and practices learned throughout the course. It was a fun way to wrap up the first year of this class.
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Outdoor Pursuits Camping Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Camping Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Camping Trip
Outdoor Pursuits Camping Trip
From FHUMHS Band Teacher Mrs. Adams: "I am VERY excited and proud to announce that our middle school band received an Excellent rating and our high school band received a Superior rating for their performance at the High Notes trip! These are the highest scores that can be received by groups. They have all worked incredibly hard and I am so proud of all of their work! If you see any of our band students next week, please give them a huge congratulations!"
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
High Notes Band Group
This past Wednesday, the Fair Haven Union Middle School held a 'Move Up' day. While our current 7th graders met with their teachers for next year, current 6th grade students from all district sending schools visited the middle school and met their teachers for the following year. It was a busy, productive day, and we hope it settled some nerves for our incoming middle school students.
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
Middle School Move up day
8th Grade Trip - This Monday, June 10th!
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
8th Grade Trip
Next School Board Meeting - Monday: June 10, 2024 (Notice Earlier Start Time of 5:30 P.M.) You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Special Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Orwell Village School - Town Hall. This meeting will be in person. Virtually connect by going to: https://meet.google.com/ezy-kfsg-rer Or dial: (US) +1 518-547-0125 PIN: 730 415 955# Please note: To participate in conversation virtually and/or ask a question virtually, please use the “raise hand” icon in Google Meet. Typing responses or questions in chat is not an option.
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Monday School Board Meeting Early start at 5:30 PM
PLEASE NOTE: The Rutland Herald ended today's article with misinformation. The next Budget Vote will once again be by Australian or ABSENTEE BALLOT. Contact your town clerk for your absentee ballots. The new warning will be discussed and voted on at the next school board meeting, Monday, June 10th. Once this is done, ballots will be distributed to the town offices. The Rutland Herald has since updated the online article, and will be issuing a correction in tomorrow's paper. The photo shows the corrected article ending now online. Here is the link to the full article: https://www.rutlandherald.com/news/local/slate-valley-school-board-finance-committee-talks-fifth-budget-recommendation/article_9ba0af52-2362-11ef-be69-7743ff5cfe4d.html
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Editor's Correction
Local youth football program registration is now open, if interested go to: https://www.vermontvipersfootball.com/
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Vipers Registration
Available to every student, every morning!
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Breakfast Available
And the project is... Bird houses!!!! Great job to students in the FHU Design Class! Many of the finished houses will be hung around campus to establish new real estate for our feathered friends.
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Bird House Build
Bird House Build
Bird House Build
Bird House Build
Bird House Build
Please Vote!
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Please Vote
Your Vote Counts! Tonight's Budget Information Meeting - 6:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Band Room. Join virtually by going to: https://meet.google.com/zpj-eomo-syc or phone dial: (US) +1 443-354-8862‬ PIN: ‪417 347 949‬# Cast your vote tomorrow, May 30th!
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Have questions about the budget? Then attend the Budget Information Meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle and High School Band Room. Join virtually by going to: https://meet.google.com/zpj-eomo-syc or phone dial: (US) +1 443-354-8862‬ PIN: ‪417 347 949‬#
about 2 months ago, Slate Valley
Budget Vote Information Meeting
Mr. VanDerKern's design class students are beginning a new project, what could it be? Stay tuned and we'll see the objects come together over the next couple of weeks.
2 months ago, Slate Valley
New Design Class Project
New Design Class Project
New Design Class Project
New Design Class Project
The FHUHS marching band was busy over Memorial Day weekend. They marched in the Castleton, Fair Haven, and Orwell parades. Great job Slaters, thank you for representing the district in honoring our fallen veterans.
2 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS Marching Band
FHUHS Marching Band
FHUHS Marching Band
FHUHS Marching Band
Are you registered to VOTE? It's not too late, visit: https://www.vote.org/register-to-vote/vermont/ and let your voice be heard this Thursday, May 30th. Please attend the Slate Valley Budget Information Meeting the night before on Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Band Room. Attendance can be in person or virtual by going to: https://meet.google.com/zpj-eomo-syc. Cast your ballot fully informed, every vote counts!
2 months ago, Slate Valley
Registered to Vote?